Airway Centered Dentistry

What is airway centered dentistry? Airway centered dentistry sounds fancy. But in essence, it is with the understanding that airway and breathing is above all body systems not only for survival, but for optimal health. If we were to look at teeth and treat teeth harmoniously to optimize the airway, teeth will be in a better position, which will also result in a more esthetic facial profile, and at the same time help with overall health. Until I delved into learning more about dental sleep medicine, I really had no understanding of the utmost importance of how having an optimal airway can affect so many body systems! The biggest impact of airway health is sleep. If poor airway can result in poor sleep, one can imagine the negative cascading consequences to the body of having a poor airway. Common chronic symptoms and ailments such as sinus infections, TMJD, headaches, acid reflux, and even constipation could be linked to poor airway anatomy. Other more serio...