Long Purchasing Cycle of Dentistry

We make decisions on purchases on a daily and weekly basis.  Things like where to get gas, coffee, groceries, or lunch are decisions we consciously or sometimes subconsciously decide.  With these products, if you will, the purchasing cycles are short.  Products with short purchasing cycle are not as critical when one makes a suboptimal decision.  If the salad is bad in this restaurant, simply go to the next cafe around the corner next time.  Not a big deal.  On the other end of the spectrum, there are products with long purchasing cycle - such as a house, a car, and appropriately for this blog: a dental procedure (or dental office).  I am sure nobody signs papers on purchasing a house on a whim.  And nor should anyone pick a dental office by randomly pointing to a map.

Because we know how long the "purchase cycle" is for dental procedures in general, we absolutely do not take short cuts, or use inferior products when it comes to treating our patients.  We (all the doctors and our staff) pride ourselves using the best materials available, learning the latest techniques, and applying the most advanced technology to improve patient outcome and comfort.  I personally hate seeing my own work fail because I take so much pride in what I do as a professional.

Even though this sounds counter-intuitive for a business that survives on repeat customers, my goal is the move patients from a diseased state to a disease free state - as efficiently, painlessly, and pleasantly as possible, with the hope that they never sit in my chair to do work again!  For those who have spend countless hours in my chair: I am sure they can attest, my greatest joy is to see them in the hygienist chair every 6 months without having to see me to "fix" stuff.  Because of this philosophy - we continues to get referrals and be busy with patients transferring from elsewhere.

I would like our patients to be long purchase cycle consumers.  When they make a "purchase" of a filling, crown, veneers, dental implants, they are long lasting.

And no, we do not give out candy at the end of the appointment!

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